April 28, 2009

A Few Fun Extras from the latest Story

When we went to the fantastic field, it was actually 5 of us. I was mostly grabbing the fun images of Laura you see below but I did snap a few of Shannon too.

Right when we thought we were about to leave, the sun was the perfect haze, and so we made both the girls walk around in the fun sun.

Was I lying about the sun?? Check out how fun, and a little shot of Amy in action. Also, when I was showing my favorites to Emily before we left, we learned that she could do the funky tongue fold thing too!

We then let Laura and Shannon turn the cameras on the 3 of us....and while we felt seriously awkward to be on the other side of the lens, they managed to grab a few cute ones.

Yay for timer and the guitar case.....I'll leave you with one of the fabulous five!! :)


jamiedelaine said...

SO cah-ute. Love that last one.

Shannon said...

i love the pic of all five of us! Awwe. i want to come back!

Albumesque said...

So cute:) I love you girls!