We're going on a hike in an hour if you want to join.
My reply.
YES. I need to get out of the house.
I hadn't gone on a hike yet in SB, so I was excited to see what was in store for the trails around here. I say "around here" as if I've hiked on trails in other places....but don't let my jargon fool you, I'm no hiker. Today proved that.
I met up with Amy, Emily and new friend, Shannon, and we were on our way to Inspiration Point in the foothills area of SB. I drove us there, so hopefully I can get us back should I want to try this again at some point. When I first asked Amy about how long it was, she said, oh about 3 miles. I don't think that she lies all the time, but as we started up the path, I saw the sign below and said "AMY!! It's 4.5 miles!!". Her reply? "Oh really? Doesn't seem like it??" or something sheepish like that. Well, for a triathlete, nothing short of a marathon seems challenging....heehee.

So, we started up the steep incline....Amy and Emily leading the way.....Shannon and me holding up the rear. I think that she and I realized exactly how out of shape we were in about 3 minutes when we were already breathing heavy.
Luckily there were pretty butterflies and other things to stop and look at on the way to the top...that is when Shannon and I took more time to catch our breathes....and discuss how loud and fast our hearts were beating! We passed a few hikers on our way up as they were coming down, and had to ask them how much further to the top, since our fearless leaders wouldn't let us in our what was still ahead.

We made it!!!

After being at the top for a little while....I was feeling a little inspired, rightfully so....and decided to try out my rusty custom timer skills on the camera. It'd been a while since I'd tried to get the JUMP shots with the timers. Just a few of the outtakes....we jumped a LOT!

The closest one to us all in the air.....at least we're all off the ground. :)

Proof that we all know how to JUMP! :)

Ah, the view of SB from Inspiration Point.

With a little LOVE you can do anything...even climb to the top and make it back down!!! Thanks girls for a lovely afternoon!!

AH. How fun does this look? So jealous of that California weather... I feel Cali calling to me. :)
P.S. Amy if you're reading this, you have crazy incredible legs. I think I should train for a triathlon to get me some of those. ;)
This looked like a great hike! I'm bummed that I was working all day. :o(
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