Here are a few fun facts about Laura: she's originally from Ohio, she loves to laugh, and she's a foodie. She can make just about anything in the kitchen, and I can't wait to share that with her too! She's going to have a large plot on the side of the house to plant whatever her little heart desires. We'll have our own farmer's market going before you know it!
Last Saturday we headed out to a super neat location a few exits south of Carp to look for this awesome field that my friend Josh had told me about. It was me, Laura, Shannon, Emily and Amy. Em, Amy and I all had our cameras, while Laura and Shannon were our models. The field was every bit as beautiful as he'd promised it to be, and we had a lot of fun exploring and playing with the sun.
Laura was up for anything....even when I asked her to lay down right in front of the cliff. Thank goodness she didn't roll off into the ocean!! We had a great time, and I'm sure this won't be the last fun photo shoot with my new roomie....but enjoy the first ones!! I know I'm going to love living with this woman! :)

Do you know how much I just LOVE this series!!! I can hear her laughing!

Check out the slideshow for more of Laura!
These are great! That funny series is awesome : ) she is lovely.
Love these of LB! My fave? #5 in your slideshow with the close up of the bright blue scarf and precious LB smile. Great work and I'm excited for your new roommate-ness!
So great! Laura is quite the model... with all the goofy faces to boot:).
Such good shots - especially love the close in b&w (like #4?) in the post!
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