I had an idea in my head of what I wanted to put into the pasta and chicken mixture, and luckily ran it by Laura, a true foodie, and came up with lemon artichoke pesto, sun dried tomatoes and calamata olives. Well, it all worked out very nicely, and was a delight! Laura made the salad, and Emily made the brownies!!

After dinner, we went outside to enjoy the sun setting, and all recounted how incredibly lucky and blessed we are to be living in Santa Barbara. I vow to never take this for granted!!

I don't think that Emily knew that I snapped this one...but I really like it. She's so awesome, and always is smiling or laughing, or making others giggle with her puns, but in this shot, she looks so serene and pensive. Wonder what she was thinking about? :)

I can hear Laura's laugh in this shot!! I'm so glad to have made a friend in her! That big white blob on the left was the full moon. It totally lit up the sky, and made the best lighting source for this fun shot.

A little after dinner group photo. I am truly happy to have met, and already made such wonderful connections with these women, in a very short amount of time being here. Last night at one point, it really felt like I've been here so much longer. We have been knit together, and enjoyed each other's company, music, and stories. I look forward to many more nights such as this!

For after dinner, I had a little fun planned. I can't remember the last time I did this but I thought it would be fun to dye some eggs for Easter. When I went to the store, I spotted orange Peeps...and I ended up getting a little more than just the dye. I had so much candy, a few baskets, some grass and other stuff in my hands that a woman standing near me commented "Ah, you must have kids!", I laughed and said "No, just friends". I made us all little baskets complete with fun colored Peeps, some eggs, and the yummy Peanut Butter Eggs from Reeses.

The creativity part was a challenge for me...I had no idea what to put on my eggs!! If you look closely, you'll see my favorite one...Emily made a green egg with a camera on it....love it!!!

The 4 of us girls nearly demolished an entire 9x13 tray of brownies....but they were so good!!!

I can't really put into words how happy I am to have these girls in my life here in Santa Barbara. The only thing that excites me more is having my friends from TX come visit and meeting them too!!!
You are awesome. :) Thank you for putting your special touch on everything to make it such an enjoyable evening. I LOVE my basket and Easter eggs!! I keep looking at them and smiling. I mean, orange Peeps?! How incredible is that?! ha ha, lol. I hope you know that I feel just as blessed to have met you, and have already enjoyed our friendship so much. Thank you!!
they make orange peeps?!
I love your shot of Laura! Do you know what your settings were? The light WAS perfect!
Love your blog!
I am so happy that you have made such great friends already, though I knew that you would not have any trouble! Looks like lots of fun! Ava and I are doing ours tomorrow :) I am going to say that yours is the yellow with white polka dots and the A+B with the heart around it? :) I would have eaten the whole tray of brownies myself, they looked so good! Better you all than me! Miss you and love all of the update os beautiful SB since I can't be there to see it for myself. Miss you tons!!!
I love the pictures, they are great! The eggs are adorable and I'm glad you have good friends in SB. I miss you and am jealous of the beauty that is SB! Did that make sense? Happy Easter-n-stuff!
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