We took a quick trip up to Brett's house after lunch to grab the bikes!! Yay for bike rides. It's been a while since we'd taken one, and it was the perfect day to do so! We started out at Butterfly Beach, and drove towards Chase Palm Park.
My Mom is fascinated by carousels and so we had to make a quick stop at the one in SB. I didn't think ahead to bring any cash, so we just looked at it this time....next time we'll have to actually ride it. I see this being an activity that we do over the Christmas break when both my and Brett's families are planning on being here together. I am not sure who will enjoy it more though....my Mom or Loralyn! :)

Mom and I went all the way to the harbor while Brett went back and got the truck. We met him there right at the same time, since we had taken our time on the way. We stopped to watch the skateboard park for a bit, a friendly seagull, as well as entertain a man telling us some rather funny pun jokes at the harbor. Emily would have loved this man!!
After dropping the bikes off at the casa, we headed over quickly to Hendry's Beach before the sun set for the evening.
We got there right in time. It was 100% down by 505pm. I can't believe it's now getting dark so early....makes me glad that I go into work early and get home early.
Some fun pictures happened on the beach while we were there. Some more JUMP pics...this time Mom played too!

Dad didn't get to come this time.....but we were thinking about him. We'll do the Santa Barbara thing all over again when he comes to visit next time!

Had a GREAT weekend with Mom being here. Dropping her off tomorrow bright and early for her trip back to TX on her birthday!!! Happy birthday Mom!! Thanks for hanging out with us this weekend and coming to visit me in SB!! Looking forward to the next visit!! Love you!
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