After enjoying it, as well as having a nice conversation with one of Jeannine's friends....I went into get a To Go cup for my coffee, and fill it up. As I was lifting my cup to put on the sleeve, it slipped out of my hand....and spilled EVERYWHERE! Ooops!!! I managed to spill it mostly on the counter, and none of it on the nice lady next to me....dressed in a wonderful WHITE skirt! I also avoided getting any of it on my own white jacket. Phew. There were some super nice people that helped me clean it all up. That is the 2nd time that I've spilled something in the last few just a warning to those who choose to dine with me - watch out. Spill #3 is bound to be on its way! :)

We hung out with DJ for a bit in the afternoon at his place.....the boys played some ping pong on the Wii. While I have never thought it to be that exciting of a game to was fun seeing these two try to figure out how to whoop up on each other virtually. I got a turn, and Brett dominated in all rounds. Sometimes it's not so much fun to play with Brett - he always wins! (Just kidding....I used to be super I'm not sure what I am. I think that I just like to or lose!).
After checking in with Kyle and David at the house, we stopped by VONS to get stuff to make dinner at the casa. Then we promptly returned to play a few more hours of Rock Band - surprise, surprise. :) I got stuck with the microphone, and it turns out that it's not my favorite instrument....but we were attempting to get a million points on one song with all 4 of us. We didn't really get too close in this challenge, but it was entertaining trying! I did have a feat of my own, and I managed to bump to the HARD setting, and make it all the way through one song on Bass and not get booed off - go me! It's the little accomplishments people.....adding that orange key is difficult!!
Ashlee joined us, and dinner was yummy....I made the Chicken Fiesta, and we all grubbed. After the kitchen was all cleaned up, we played a mean game of Trivial Pursuit. It started out with the modified version of only being that any question you got right, you got the pie chip....and then after quite a while of that not getting us too far, when it was your turn, you got the chance to answer any question that you hadn't correctly to that point yet. The brown category, "The Written Word", all about books, magazines, authors, etc, was giving us all the hardest time....but it came down to two questions of this category to Brett for the win.
After all of that, we just sat around in the living room....chilled out, and chatted. Good old fashioned, just keeping each other company. We got to talking about cameras and lenses, and Brett pulled out my ShootSac. Since my camera was sitting there, I had a little bit of fun.

We had an awesome night hanging out with everyone....and hope we get to do it again soon!!
I like that you are in a long sleeved shirt - furry vest and long scarf and Brett has on a short sleeved shirt. ??
Yeah...he thought it was warmer than it was outside.....and I prepare for the weather! It's all about layers! Needless to point out who was more comfortable sitting on the patio. :)
ok ok....those are pretty funny pictures.
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