January 15, 2010

ShowIt Buddies at Brix

Tonight we went out on the town for a company dinner. Brix set us up in the back room, and all 19 of us packed in nice and tight. Hey, we're all family anyways, right?

We had a wonderful menu full with artisan cheeses, yummy salads, and main courses of steak, lasagna, duck or fish. Luckily I had Brett next to me, as he helped me clean all of my plates.

The caesar salad was authentic and came with anchovies on top. Andrew always seems to be trying new food when he's around ShowIt folks, and so he braved eating the little guy whole. The jury is still out on whether or not he'll be doing that again anytime soon.

Brett was telling me that I was getting a little too excited about getting us a group shot.....but it's really just one of my favorite things. I love to be able to document the memory so we can look back on it in years to come.

It was a great time and I love the chances like these to get to know the people that make up the company.

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