April 2, 2010

Good good good Friday!

We got up super early this morning to head to the early service at Reality this morning for Good Friday. We attended the evening service last year and it was wonderful, so thought to try out another one this time. Brett swung by to get me while it was still dark, and we walked in just as the worship was starting. Lazo filled us with a great sermon about how Jesus was an unlikely martyr. So good.

Today I am reminded of what Jesus did for us, for me, on the cross. I am so thankful for everything He did, and does for us, for me, every day. Let today be a reminder of the suffering that He did for us on the cross that day. Hallelujah!!

After service....it was 7am....and I was hungry!! Brett and I headed over to Summerland Beach Cafe and gorged!!

He LOVES the hot chocolate here.....so yummy!!

I was so thankful that I ate my orange....cleaned my plate....and even ate the cantaloupe too!

Yeah!! Love breakfast before going to work! :)

I opened up the sweet package that my Mom and Dad sent to us after I got back this morning.....this cookie bouquet almost looks to pretty to eat. Almost. I'll be breaking into that when I get home from work later today.

Ok...off to the office!! Happy Good Friday to all!! xoxo

1 comment:

buyessay-s.com said...

Good cheerful and funny photos. I really liked this post. He's incredibly raised my mood and set up me on positive emotions.