June 16, 2010

IKEA to my rescue...

I took off at 9 last night to San Diego.....luckily Emily and Brett kept me company courtesy of AT&T on the way so I was sure to stay awake. I arrived a little after midnight and got right into bed for my big day on Wednesday.

I had an appointment this morning and then I made my way to a meeting, which directly afterwards, I gave my first presentation for work to a crowd of over 30. I kind of got a little freaked out at first because I didn't have a cable to connect to the projector, but the previous speaker was kind enough to help me out. Phew!!

I made it through....relayed good information, answered questions, and if I do say so myself, did pretty darned good. I am just glad that one is over, the first one is always the toughest. I'm trying to line up more but it'll be for after the wedding.

Speaking of the wedding, after I was finished for the day in SD, I had a few hours to kill before even wanting to get anywhere near the freeway....so I found the IKEA in San Diego and decided to conquer my fear.....the details for the wedding. Ugh.

I took some pictures and sent them to Brett before my phone died. Before that happened, I was saying to him that I'd probably just get one of each, and then figure out what I liked and make another trip....but he said for me to commit and just get it.

So....I committed. I walked out of IKEA with a cart so full that I couldn't push it straight. I'm happy with what I got and am actually pretty relieved that it's over now.

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