's my new home in Santa Barbara. 1339 on the Mesa. Come visit us!!

The side of the house was a blank lot, until Laura turned it into a garden a few weeks ago. Also....the BBQ pit is a brand new addition, thanks to Laura's friend, Paul. Thanks for the pit, Paul!!!

I had lunch with Laura sitting on the patio yesterday. It was absolutely lovely.

We have a beautiful fountain, complete with lots of fishies. The gentle music that comes from when it runs is just wonderful. We love it!! We've also got a rope swing!! It's so much fun!!

Our home came with a gardner....thank goodness!!! Someone else responsible for keeping all of this green and pretty!! So glad for him!!

I love all the windows in our home. First thing in the morning, we open up all the blinds to let all the light in! Love it!!

Lots of comfy seating!!

Our kitchen is a little interesting, it's got a lower than normal stove, but it works for us.'s the best kitchen for The Good Spoon. Can't you see Laura on the other side of the stove, with all of her guests at the table, learning all the tricks on how to prepare a yummy meal? I can!!!

We got lucky and scored a place that also has a washer and dryer. It's in the kitchen, which some people might think is a little strange....but in my mind, all of the noisy appliances are in the same that's a good thing!
We hung some of my photography that I brought with me in the hallway back towards our rooms. The frames are filled with images from downtown Austin (SoCo) and the Capital. Make me smile to remember the fun day that I spent taking them with Toni in December 2007. It was the first time I took out my DSLR. :)

Lastly...I didn't really pick it up too much, but I just wanted to complete the tour.....this is my room. I took the doors off my closet to make it easier for me to get to all of it without having to slide them back and forth. Some might find it weird, but I kind of like being able to see it.

Ok, so that's all. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Hope you come visit in person soon!!
LOVE that backyard! I've always wanted a pond.
I'll be in Cali the whole month of July, and will be driving back and forth through Santa Barbara. Maybe we'll have a chance to meet in person!
sweet house!! thanks for the "tour" :). i like your idea about the closet doors...might have to try the same thing in my room (you can let me know when you come visit IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!)
yay! you got a patio table and chairs :) i love your new home!!
Just catching up on your blog...What happened to the antique piece? And I noticed what the TV ended up on too. Ha!
I am so far behind, but just getting caught up and LOVE LOVE LOVE (yes I do things in three's now) your new place!!! It is so adorable!!!! congrats!
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