Anyways...the rain was still rearing itself on Friday, so we didn't start up until Saturday. Jeff came over (thank goodness) to help Brett get the big stuff downstairs, and the first item to go down the parted stairs was my couch. If you've seen the episode with Ross and his couch, it was as if we were trying to reinact it....Pivot, pivot, PIVOT!!! It was a tricky path on the way down, but they got it to the bottom of the stairs. Well, then, it got stuck. The boys tried to get it out of the door for a good 30 minutes, each and every way possible. We tried to take the banister off to no avail.....then tried to take the legs off the couch to no avail.....and when Hal showed up with Hudson and Hayden, I took the boys to Sonic, and right as I was getting in the car, they somehow made it through the garage. I wasn't there to see the magic happen, but I was thrilled that it made it out and we didn't have to cut it in half. It's a nice couch! :)
When I got back, they had all of the heavy stuff down and outside (phew!). We couldn't have done it without their, THANK YOU Jeff and Hal for lending your strong muscles to the cause!
Brett and I worked until it was dark on Saturday night. After church and brunch on Sunday, we were back over to finish up the rest of the job. I helped until I had to leave for my last shoot in Austin, and when I came back, he'd finished packing most of the boxes to the very top of one of the pods. I was so impressed....not only that he did all of that by himself, but it was all in there like a winning game of Tetris.

We finished up right before dark and then went through and cleaned up the place. I can't believe that it was empty. Not only because I had so much stuff, and it wasn't there anymore, but seriously, I am moving.

I also can't even express how much Brett was such an incredible man this week in Austin. He totally impressed me with his taking charge, and being so absolutely wonderful in helping, scratch that, doing everything, in packing. I couldn't have done it without his help.
It's still spring break so it was a little to early for me to laugh out loud, but I was dying on the inside when I read the title of your post. I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about. Hahaha. I LOVE friends. I'm glad you're all moved out. I know it's bittersweet, but your new life will be soooo amazing! Can't wait to hear about it.
Congrats on your big move! Enjoy your new location!
that is impressive.
p.s.- one of my favorite friends episodes, so funny.
Annemarie, I have followed your blog for a few months. Just wanted to wish you the best for your move to California. So awesome to read about your new life with God. I know He does order our steps.
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