This morning, after a lovely breakfast of OJ and danishes, we made our way over to Mammoth Mountain to take the gondola ride to the top.
It ended up being a LOT chillier than any of us had expected, or planned for, but luckily all of us had a jacket of sorts to try and keep warm.

The gondola took us up to the very top, at 11,000+ feet, and it was only 33 up there....but the views on the way up there were amazing!

The sky was crazy blue and the clouds were pretty sweet. We had to share the top of the mountain with all the bikers. They were all decked out with gear and helmets, but I agree with my did look like they were having a lot of fun. Maybe next time Brett and I will have to do that!

Of course you need the obligatory group shot at the top.

Oh, and why not a few JUMP ones too!!

My Dad tried his own version of the JUMP...his was a little bit more calm. :)

I think that "they" call this an EPIC shot.

Brett had been trying to explain to us that in the winter there was hundreds of inches of snow covering all of the mountain. Not until we went into the exhibit center did we really understand what that meant. On the sunny summer day, the sign looked like it does on the left. In the winter....only the top rung of the totem pole shows, and barely at that. Crazy!

After making it down, and getting a bite to eat at The Yodler, we drove over towards June Lake. We pulled over to the side to get a group shot, and right then, my Dad tells us that he sees a bear. Of course he was kidding, but we all fell for it. Brett had the remote and got us all looking a little dumbfounded in the series. :)

All of the lakes in the June Lake loop were so pretty. It was so windy so there were whitecaps at each one.

We came back to the cabin, and taught my parents how to play Rook. My Mom and I ended up sweeping the men, totally by chance. Brett is still a little sore about it. :)

Overall, we had a great time, and was happy that we were able to meet up with my parents for a quick visit on the west side of the country. Wonder what our next adventure will be?
1 comment:
My mom grew up in a little town south of there. Big Pine? Maybe you drove through it on your way up? We went there every summer growing up for vacation. It's so beautiful with all the lakes, mountains, fishing streams. I seem to remember a waffle place up near Mammoth that was THE BOMB.
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